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The Benefits of Powerlifting

So, you want to know what the benefits of powerlifting are? Well, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss what all of the perks are to powerlifting training.

Strong powerlifter woman doing flat barbell bench press at powerlifting competition with spotters

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The Benefits of Powerlifting

Powerlifting is an amazing strength sport that hosts a large variety of brilliant advantages for both your physical well-being and mental health. But what are these positives?

Increases Bone Density

Big powerlifter with dense bones doing deadlift personal record at powrrlifting competition

Not only does powerlifting increase the size of your muscles and your strength, but it also plays a role in bone density. When you lift heavy weights (as you do in powerlifting training), your muscles and tendons apply tension to the bones in your body, which stimulates the bone to produce more bone tissue. As a result of this, your bones will become stronger and more dense.

Other Benefits of Denser Bones:
  • Enables better posture

  • Makes you look more youthful

  • More support for your muscles

  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis

  • Improves sports performance.


Increases Metabolism

Woman squishing her face doing heavy deadlift personal best at powerlifting meet

When lifting weights and training as a powerlifter, your muscles are metabolically active and burn calories. But how?

Strength training helps to significantly increase your resting metabolic rate (RMR) by increasing the amount of lean muscle on your body. Therefore, adding muscle mass by lifting should increase energy expenditure and your RMR.

This increase in calorie-burning will result in a more efficient metabolism, which would make it much easier for you to burn even more calories and maintain weight.


Can Help With Depression

Powerlifter male happy after hitting personal best at powerlifting competition

Powerlifting is an excellent way to cure depression and other poor mental health issues. When you're training, you stay focused on your goals and on each rep of every exercise. This focus and dedication helps you to realise that you can do more than you initially thought, and it also gives your life more purpose.

Additionally, doing well at a powerlifting competition makes you feel very proud of yourself as you can see all of your hard at the gym work paying off. This will result in a happier and more achieving mindset.


Reduces the Symptoms of Heart Disease & Diabetes

Female powerlifter doing heavy squat personal record at powerlifitng competition with spotters

When lifting heavy weights in strength training, studies say you significantly lower the chances of high blood pressure by 32% and decrease the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk of a heart attack by 29%.

Research suggests that strength training doesn't eliminate the need for insulin, but it provides a way for the human body to burn glucose for fuel without additional insulin needed. But how does this work? When you lift weights, you tear muscle fibres apart. These muscle fibres have to be repaired in order to get bigger and stronger, which requires more energy, further burning more glucose and calories after exercise. This reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.



In this article, we have discussed the main pros of powerlifting. These benefits included:

I hope you have found the information in this article useful and I hope any questions you had have been answered. Thank you for reading, please come back soon.


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